Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Baby steps to becoming a teacher

There were so many forms to fill out, books to buy, things to get excited about. As the first day of school got closer and closer (September 13, 2006) I got more and more excited. And anxious. I'm not the biggest person in the world and I started to worry that my students wouldn't respect me or think that I was an adult. My anxieties increased the closer school got, but so did my excitement.

I was working for a different telecommunications company at the time and was really not enjoying it. I also worried it would impact my studies, as I had to work every weekend, both days, 16 hours, to keep the job. Rich and I talked and he suggested I quit school to focus on my studies. I was thrilled. I hadn't done JUST school since grade nine. Over the summer I bought a laptop, started looking at commuting options, and drafting a letter of resignation (it was a doozy!).

By the time the 13th hit, I was excited and ready to go!


Rich said...

You rock! Love you J-bird!

Unknown said...

You rock! Love you Bunny-muffin!

First Year Teacher said...

Love you both too!